Saturday, March 22, 2014

Just waiting my life away

To explain my title of my blog...It is currently "A Sister in Waiting" because of the fact for the past...

1 week. 4 days. and 3 hours. 

I have been waiting patiently for my call to be assigned and sent. Now when I say patiently it has been me anxiously checking every day trying to see if I am able to login and NO DICE. I wouldn't exactly call that patient as much as trying to accept the Lord's timing because after all his timing is perfect and I trust it whole heartedly..BUT MAN THIS IS THE WORST!

It is a constant battle of me telling myself.. "Just Breathe Taylor...JUST BREATHE" My mom would be oh so proud because after all, that is her saying! I have been praying with all of my heart that it will come when it needs to and that I will be able to survive the wait, and as crippling as the wait may be..I am alive.

SO for you fellow call waiters, I hope you can relate to some of these points I'm about to make...and for all you sisters who will be submitting your papers to your Stake President and having those interviews soon! Here is what you can expect!

1. You finish your meeting with stake president and it went better than ever, and so you beam down the hall of the church, and just want to tell everyone that you are OFFICIALLY WAITING FOR YOUR CALL.

2. You start making everyone guess where you will go. And when I say everyone I mean even people that you work with who have no idea really what a mission is, and the random people that sit by you in your college classes..(who aren't even LDS)

3. You attempt to log in to myldsmail and when it takes a little longer to load up the "box of shame" (the box which says you are not eligible for account yet) you have a little panic attack and then when it finally pops up your heart is racing for nothing.

4. It has become a night time ritual to lay in bed at night thinking of what that beloved letter from the Prophet will say.

5. You look at the picture you sent to Salt Lake thinking of what revelation the apostle seeing your papers will receive.

6. You get excited thinking about the day YOU will be able to post your call on "Many are called...but few are sisters."

7. You want to shop for your mission but you know you can't because there is a big difference between Alaska's weather and Australia's... and you have no idea where you'll end up.

I love all you sisters! We can get through this wait together!

I will be posting about my decision to serve this coming week, STAY TUNED :)

-- Sister Wagner

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